Saturday, September 26, 2009

What is a scrapbooker to do??

Australia has it all............ sun, surf, sand, great weather BUT we do not have any good scrapbooking or stamping stores. What is up with that??

When I first moved back home I made sure I knew where the local scrapbook stores were so that if I needed anything I knew where to go. I then recently found out that there is a stamp store nearby too. You can just imagine how excited I was about that.

This past weekend I got back into making some birthday cards - just for fun. I needed some more supplies so my DH gave me the go-ahead to stock up on what I needed. (I always feel guilty buying scrapbooking supplies so this was a bonus that my husband said to 'go for it').
We decided to go and find the stamp store first as I was using old stamps and just wanted a new batch of stamps - liven my cards up a bit. Couldn't find the store - it had been closed down!! Strike One!!
Headed to one of the scrapbooking stores that I found when I first got here. Sign is up but guess what............ store has been closed down!! Strike Two!!
Continued driving to the last scrapbooking store that I know of in the area. I had covered my eyes as I was scared it may have been closed down too. To my surprise it wasn't - yeh!! Got to buy some supplies to make my nephew a mini album. Only one problem with this store..... there was a For Lease sign up in the front of the store. I asked the lady at the store if they were closing down...... she said VERY hesitantly 'no the owner hasn't said that'. Bull - why would there be a For Lease sign up if you were going to continue running the store and re-signing the lease.
I now have no scrapbooking stores to go to. Can you believe that. I can buy some supplies from some of the department stores but for all my stamps and high quality supplies I am going to have to become familiar with online shopping!!!
Before my crisis took place I did make a few cards with some really cute new paper I bought. I got the card idea from my friend Eleonor who is queen of cardmaking. Hope you like!!

Till next time................

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lazy Bones

To my dear friends who have wondered what the heck I have been doing since my last post - I do apologize. I guess time just gets away to the point where you don't realize that there is only 3 months till Christmas and I haven't posted on my blog for a good few months now. A quick run down as to what's been up!

My husband and I headed to Vancouver for a two week vacation back in August. We had a wedding to go to and a 1st birthday to attend and lots of catching up to do with family and friends that we left behind nearly a year ago. It was a great trip and we enjoyed seeing everybody again and getting in some shopping that we have missed since moving to Australia.

I was a little sick when I first arrived and think it was a mixture of jet-lag and catching a cold on the plane. The flight home was just awesome!!! I say that very sarcastically. I was seated next to a young man who decided it was not in his best interest to shower before getting on a 14 hour flight!! I was honestly to the point of tears as I sat in my chair (trying not to inhale) and contemplating how I was going to survive this long flight. My DH did offer to switch seats but either way one of us was going to have to deal with the odor. I was glad I remembered to bring a small bottle of perfume on the plane with me and decided to put some on my upper lip and squirt some in the smelly boys direction - just to see if he would take a hint (he didn't).

On sadder news, it is coming to the end of Footy season and our team, the Titans - who were doing so well all year - just got kicked out of the finals. We went to see one of their final games a week ago and I was yelling so much that I lost my voice!! It was well worth it though, even though we didn't win it was a great game. Can't wait till next year.

Finally, just to rub it in to all my friends who are heading into the colder weather - my DH and I headed down to the beach today. He had made breakfast and we picked up some coffee's and had breaky on the beach and then just laid out and soked up the sun. I couldn't think of a more perfect Sunday.

Till next time...........