Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm Back!!

Yeah!! Finally we have the internet hooked up at home............ so I am back in action with my blog. I have a lot of past blogs that I didn't get the chance to publish so I will keep you all updated on what's been going on over the next week.

As for me........... things here are great. I love my new job. I am obviously still learning alot of stuff and have alot of questions but I am enjoying it. Most of the customer's have been very understanding with the fact that I am still learning stuff - so I have appreciated that.

Last night we had a girls night - my sisters, sister-in-law, mum, aunt and my sister's mother-in-law all went to see Menopause-the Musical. It was a funny show - obviously about menopause. There were alot of 'white-haired' people in the audience - I think we were some of the younger people there!! We now know what our mum is going through - God help us (and her) and we now know what we have to look forward to as well. Really it was good for a laugh and a fun girl's night out.

Well, as I said earlier I will catch up with what I have been doing the last month. Again, sorry about not blogging more often but now I have connection with the rest of the world so you will be hearing alot from me from now on.

Till next time..........

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