Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Biggest Loser Australia

Well, it is that Season again.................. Biggest Loser Australia is now rolling into it's third week on t.v and I haven't missed an episode.

I am so addicted to watching this series and seeing these people transform from overweight, week souls to fit, healthy and positive individuals. It is a great way to stay motivated and want to do something about your own health.

This year, for the first time, they are doing it in couples. This is a first for the t.v series, just for the Australian series. The last season I watched in Canada was a couples and it was great as you had somebody there with you to keep you going.

I think the thrilling thing for me is that these people are Australian's and some of them live quite close by to me here on the Gold Coast. Infact, just the other day at work the husband of one of the contestants came in and was so excited as he was going to see his wife for the first time in a while. That was when it really hit close to home that these are 'real' people with a 'real' struggle and they do have loved ones anxiously wanting to see them.

The trainers in the Australian series are amazing too - Shannan and Michelle. I do miss the trainer's from the North American series but these guys are just as inspiring.

While watching the show I learned that Australia has now overtaken the U.S.A as the fattest country in the world. THE FATTEST!!! The suprising thing is, I really wasn't shocked. When I moved back home I have to say that that was one of the first things I noticed, how much bigger everybody looked. The silly thing is - we have such great weather here all year round, there is no excuse for not being outdoors and exercising!!! It is scary.............. really scary to see how big some people are getting and to top it off, it is not the guys out there - most of the larger people I see are girls!!

So, how has The Biggest Loser inspired me............... since losing weight with Weight Watchers a few years ago I have always been watching what I put into my mouth. It is so easy to get carried away with candies, fast food, etc. I have started waking up extra early before work to do weights and go for either a jog or a walk. I have committed myself to a Netball team and will be playing once a week (the season starts this Tuesday), and I am going to continue to watch what I eat - I don't want to put on all the weight I have lost.

My theory is, if these people on t.v who weigh over 200kg can do this...................... so can I.

Till next time.........

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