Friday, March 6, 2009

Byron Bay

Road trip............................ this morning we decided to get in the car and head South into New South Wales. My parents, DH and I were on our way to Byron Bay for a day trip. From where we live it is only about 1 hour away but once there you feel like you are further away then that.

Byron Bay is a beach town and a hippie town. Alot of very cool stores there and lots of great restaurants and bars too. It reminded me alot of Key West in Florida.

On our way to Byron Bay we stopped in at The Humble Pie Co. for some meat pies. My DH loves meat pies and the last time we went there they were really good . Whenever we head South we usually try to stop in there so my DH can get one. The pies were still good but not as good as the last time we went. Isn't that always the way............ the same thing happened the last time we went back to Disneyland. My DH was looking forward to a Disneyland hotdog but when he got one it just wasn't the same. I see a food theme going on here too.................. we love our food (if I haven't already mentioned that). The highlight of visiting the Humble Pie Co. was a huge lizard I saw in the garden. This thing was massive but when I went to get close to it to take a good photo (as you do) it moved away.

After our little pit stop we continued on to Byron and the first stop was going to be at the lighthouse. The lighthouse at Byron is at the most Eastern point of Australia and the views are amazing of the ocean. I took a few shots while we were there. We could see turtles swimming in the ocean and usually you can see dolphins too but not today.

The lighthouse was quite busy with tourists and just people in general. We decided to walk all the way down the path to lead to the most Easterly point - I thought it wouldn't be that much of a walk, was I wrong. Walking back up to the top of the lighthouse was a workout in itself - it was all uphill with so many stairs and we didn't have any water with us. Keep in mind it is stinking hot at about 30 degrees too. We all made it back up again and were glad to get back into the air conditioned car.

We drove back to the town of Byron and went for a walk through the stores and finally stopped for some lunch too. There were so many little cafes and gorgeous restaurants but we decided to stop at a hole in the wall place that sold Turkish foods (I think that is what it was anyways). I decided on a Falafel Pita and it was delicious. We all left the cafe satisfied with the food we ate and definetly wanting to return some time soon.

The road trip home was much quietier - my parents fell asleep in the back seat (dad snoring of course). A great day had by all..................... I love weekends.

Till next time............

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