Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Lazy Weekend

When there is nothing planned on a weekend to me that means it is open for anything, everything or nothing at all. This was my weekend in a nutshell

1. two days of sleeping in

2. catching up on watching my taped episodes of Desperate Housewives (and there were alot)

3. Brother, Sister-In-Law and the kids came over for dinner - Burgers and Fries (homemade of course)

4. Watched Love Guru (a really stupid/funny movie) and Sweeney Todd (great movie with Johnny Depp)

5. Lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe on Sunday

6. Went to vote on Saturday to be told I was not on the list................ wait till next time.

7. hang around the house and chilled out with my DH

8. DH made some really good dinners - I am so lucky I have him.

9. Did three load of laundry and some ironing.

10. Enjoyed some wine and coolers :)

You know, sometimes it is nice to have nothing planned on weekends - you just don't know what to expect.

Till next time.............

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