Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Desperate Housewife

Bree Van De Kamp - polite, polished, domestic goddess - she keeps a tidy house, bakes daily and always looks perfect. The ideal housewife?? There are two sides to this woman - she is a member of the NRA (National Rifle Association), she can be a snob and most of all when push comes to shove she can be a right royal B*$#@!! I LOVE this woman!! I don't know her personally but have come to love her character on the t.v show Desperate Houswives.

What I mostly love about her are the more likeable characteristics. I would love to be able to keep house like she does, cook like she does, be artsy and creative like her and most of all - host dinner parties like she does.

Today I got the urge to bake and be creative and to host my sister to lunch - I was Bree Van De Kamp for a brief moment in time.

A day in the life of Bree (or more realiastically ME):

Hosting Lunch:

My twin sister came over to the house to study today. She has a little one at home and she is graduating this year and exams are coming up so she came to the house for some peace and quiet. Come lunch time my DH and I decided to surprise her and make her lunch - she had been studying all morning and needed a break. While my DH made roast beef sandwiches I whipped together a salad and then we set up the outside table for lunch. My sister was so grateful and impressed. It was funny - she actually thought we did this every weekend for lunch, I told her she just came on the right day.
Being Creative:
My nephews birthday is coming up next weekend and I had already bought his present but needed to make a card for him. I really had the creative juices flowing today and put together an adorable card for him. I also made some extra cards and am thinking of selling them. I haven't bought suppplies in such a long time and am still using stuff that I have around the house. I have taken a picture of the card I made - I think it's cute - what do you all think?
I decided to bake some cookies for the staff at work. I chose Anzac biscuits - as next weekend is Anzac day so I thought it was appropriate. Also, we had lots of passionfruits at home so I made some cookies with passionfruit in them. If I do say so myself, both batches of cookies turned out really well. Here is a picture that you can drool over.
Well, there it is. My day as Bree Van De Kamp. I also managed to do the ironing, sit with my husband and enjoy the UFC and have a boxing session with my DH later that night. Not bad for one day.
Till next time...................

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Health Kick

Since watching this season of the Biggest Loser it has got me motivated to get off my butt and do some exercise and look after myself. I have to say that I am doing well and haven't put on any weight since I left Canada - needless to say I haven't lost any weight either. Although, for the first time in a long time I am happy with my body but would like to lose some of the extra bulge I find from time to time. I know I am not the only one like that in the world............ so I have decided to actively do something about it.
A few weeks ago I joined a woman's gym which is so close to home - it's awesome. Fernwood is located about 5 minutes from where I live and I really enjoy the all female aspect of the gym. They have all the machines you need - bikes, rowing machines, treadmills, etc. They have a weights area but best of all they have amazing classes that aren't overcrowded. This past week I had a trainer go through some of the weight machines with me and tell me which ones I should be doing - basically she gave me my very own programme to follow.
As for the classes, I have only had the opportunity to try two of them out. The Body Balance class is great - it is a mixture of yoga, pilates and balancing. Just love it!!! This morning I tried the Body Pump class - oh my goodness, this one is my favourite right now. You use a bar bell throughout the whole class and do lunges, squats and lots of other exercises while holding onto a bar bell. It was great and was easy enough to follow - next week I am going to use heavier weights to feel more of a burn and workout. One class that I am desperate to try but scared to try as well is the cycle class. I have seen them use these bikes on the Biggest Loser and it freaks me out but I really want to give it a go.
Now, I know it is not all about exercise only........... I have been eating better too. I am trying to follow a meal plan that one of the trainers from the Biggest Loser put together. It is fairly easy to follow and obviously encourages you to eat lots of fruit and vegetables.
Tonight for dinner I cooked a recipe from the Biggest Loser cookbook that I picked up from K Mart a few weeks ago. I made spaghetti and meatballs but the meatballs were made out of pork and veal mince instead of fatty beef. I also made a yummy Greek Salad to go with it. I don't cook very often but do enjoy it when I do. Here are a couple of shots of my yummy dinner.
Well, if anything, I hope I have got some people motivated to get off their butts and do some excercise at least three times a week.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, last weekend my parents bought a Wii and Wii Fit - there's more exercise there to keep anybody entertained for hours.
Till next time...............

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter To All

What does Easter mean to me.............

*SPENDING TIME WITH FAMILY - I will be spending Good Friday and Easter Sunday with my whole family. Good Friday we will get together and have a late seafood lunch. Easter Sunday we will come together at my parents place for a BBQ. I will be making dessert - apple crumble and apricot upside down cake (hope they turn out)

*CHOCOLATE - as a kid we used to get so much chocolate at Easter time. It would last right into winter time - that's how much chocolate we would receive. Now that I am older I don't need the chocolate anymore - infact I really shouldn't be eating it. Now, I get to buy chocolate for my neices and nephews. I also made some really cute little gift tags to go with the chocolates - I haven't scrapbooked or made any cards in such a while so to put these together really made my day.

*FOUR DAY WEEKEND - my DH and I both work in a bank and have got Good Friday and Easter Monday off - which means a four day weekend......... woo hoo!!! Yesterday at work was like crazy town - people really freak out at the thought of not being able to do their banking for two days so they all come in on the Thursday in a mad panic. Let me tell you...... we did not stop
at all all day so I really couldn't wait for Friday to come around.
I hope you all have a great Easter and enjoy your days off from work too.
Till next time..............