Sunday, May 3, 2009

Labour Day Long Weekend

It felt like we just had a long weekend but it was fine by me to have another. My DH and I decided not to go away for the long weekend, so we just hung around at home. My DH helped my father put together a decking around the pool. They have worked so hard all weekend to get it finished. They are just putting the finishing touches on it now.

As for me - I am pleased to say that I didn't do too much this weekend.

On Saturday we had a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Crystal. She is due at the end of the month and I cannot wait to meet my new nephew. It was a great afternoon and a great chance to get to know my sister-in-laws family. I haven't really had a chance to get to know my sister-in-laws family as I hadn't been here so I really enjoyed the afternoon at the baby shower. We played games, ate food and just chatted. It was great. My mum, sister's and I bought Crystal a few baby items that new mum's need like, baby powder, wipes, etc. My DH had a great idea and suggested we buy something specifically for Crystal so we got her a facial to have after the baby is born. Below is a picture of the present we bought for her and the card that I had made.
After the baby shower my mum, sister and I went out for coffee and cake and some girly chat. It was great to hang out with just the ladies in the family and chill out and relax. I decided that we will have to do this more often.
Saturday night my DH and I went to go and see the new Hugh Jackman movie 'Wolverine'. What a great movie. I really enjoyed it and thought it would be a boy's movie but ladies, let me tell you, there is plenty of eye candy for the girls to enjoy it just as much.
Sunday was such an easy going day. My twin sister was coming over to work on an assignment for university and I had decided that I was going to make some cards for Mother's Day and some to add to my collection that I am hoping to sell. So, with ABBA blaring in the background I got creative and came up with these very cute cards. I just love the colours I used and the stamps too. I do find supplies in Australia are much more expensive but it is so hard not to buy all the beautiful paper that I see.
Sunday night I cooked dinner for everybody. I used a recipe from my Biggest Loser cookbook. I made a beef and bok choy dish with Oyster Sauce. It was quite tasty.
As for Monday - what a total bludge day!!! I did nothing.......... literally nothing. The most I did was make pancakes for morning tea and play with my neice Olivia. I had such a great day. I enjoy spending days like this just before going back to work. I do fell just a little guilty as my DH worked is butt off today finishing off the decking. It looks great though but I know he and my dad will be tired tomorrow.
Till next time.............

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