Here is a picture of my sister's and I on Christmas Day. I think my older sister told me at least 5 times that day that she was glad I was home!!!
Christmas has always been about family for me. Even though with just our immediate family there are about 20 of us and it can get quite noisy - I just wouldn't want it any other way. Christmas always starts on December 24th - Christmas Eve - for us. We all went over to my older sister's place for drinks and nibblies. This Christmas Eve it was pouring with rain so getting the gifts and food in the car was an 'event' in itself. We finally managed to get over there and have a good time. At about 11pm 'Santa' arrives to hand out all the presents under the tree. This year 'Santa' was played by my sister's Father-In-Law. It was great to see a really skinny Santa with an Irish accent handing out gifts to the kids and they not having a clue who it was!!!
This is my nephew Liam, and I celebrating Christmas Day!! He is such a cool dude!!
Every year one of the men in the family have to dress up as Santa to hand out the gifts. When I was younger it was usually my dad who would dress up as Santa for us kids. My most fond memory is when we were just a bit older and clearly realised that Santa was not real. My dad and mum had planned this whole scenario that dad was called in to work on Christmas Eve. We didn't say anything at the time - but we all knew that they were telling us stories so that dad could go to the neighbours house and put on his Santa suit. The things you do for your kids - I just love mum and dad for trying to keep the fun in Christmas when we were kids.
Here is Dad and I on Christmas Eve - I do not know why I am pulling this face......... perhaps too much punch!
The next day, Christmas Day, was spent at my parents house. Christmas Day is another full on day in itself.
5 years ago on Christmas Day my dad's mother passed away. Every Christmas Day we start the day by visiting her gravesite and leaving her some flowers. I have to say, I like starting the day like this as it feels like we are including her in one of her most favourite family holidays. She always loved having family together at Christmas.
This year my mum's mother was put into a care facility - we didn't want her spending Christmas alone so we took her to our place for the day. Well, actually, we took her to our place for as long as she would stay - we didn't know how well she would do. She surprised us all and had a wonderful time with us. She did some dancing, and enjoyed her dinner and even had a little glass of wine. It was great to have her spend the day with us.
Now, Christmas is all about food for our family too. We had: turkey, ham, lamb, prawns, pasta, potatoes AND dessert!!!! We were totally stuffed by the end of the day. The kids had fun playing in the pool and also playing with the Wii they got for Christmas.
As for me - I loved being home with my family, I loved watching my nieces and nephews open up their Christmas presents, I loved having my Nana at home with us and I loved having my DH experience his first hot
My two older nephews received there very own golf clubs for Christmas. For the first time ever the two of them were speechless!!!! They really loved these gifts.
Madison got this cute bear for Christmas - she just loved it!
My DH and I giving me a 'Christmas Kiss'. I was so glad to have him with my family for his first Australian Christmas!
Christmas SHOULD always be about family - spending time with them and loving them for who they are. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this year and a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!
Till Next time..........