Sunday, December 7, 2008

A Touch of Nature

We have lots of beautiful creatures living in our neighbourhood.

My DH has made friends with all the lizards that live in our backyard. He has actually started naming them like they are his pets.

I have yet to see the Kookaburra's but I have heard them. You can hear them 'laughing' a mile away.

Canetoads - they are gross and disgusting but we do get alot of those at night time.

If you can believe me we also get bats here. I don't ever remember bats being part of the wildlife here on the Gold Coast but they are everywhere each night. Infact one early evening my mum and I went for a swim in the pool and there were bats flying overhead the whole time we were in the pool.

A few weeks ago I got some great shots of the lorikeets that fly around our area. I was going for a walk with my nephew and we hadn't even left the street that we live on when we found these birds eating from one of the trees in our up our street. They are beautiful birds but can be very noisy first thing in the morning.
Last night we heard an owl in the backyard - I tried to take a picture of it but wasn't succesful.
You just never know what creatures are hiding in the neighbourhood - I wonder what we will find tomorrow!!!
Till next time...............

1 comment:

Eleonor said...

I had a good laugh cause I a am imagining Tim in the backyard, talking to the lizards and calling them by the names he has given them.
It was nice talking to you last week -- I miss you guys!