Thursday, December 11, 2008

Summertime Fun

A few weeks ago we celebrated my mum's birthday and my parent's wedding anniversary. We had a BBQ lunch at my parents place, as you do in Australia, and then the kids and the men had an afternoon of fun in the pool.
I absolutely LOVE having my family all together for events like birthdays, anniversaries and especially Christmas. One thing that I especially love about my family is that all the kids get along so well with each other. I think it is wonderful to have cousins that live so close to each other and that you can see often enough and get along with so well.

On this particular day for some reason only the men went into the pool after lunch and ALL the kids followed in as well. All the kids just love the water - in Australia one of the first things you teach children is how to swim. Also, it is not uncommon for backyards in Australia to have a swimming pool.

The weather on this day was amazing - the sun was out, it wasn't too humid and there was a slight breeze. The last few weeks we have been having some pretty crazy weather - torrential rain, high humidty, floods, lightning, thunder - we have seen it all in such a short period of time.

Below are a few photo's: (I did download photos of my three cute neices but they disappeared - will try to post another time)
My three nephews Christopher, Liam and Andre' all love the water. Aren't they the cutest.

Till next time.............

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