Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

Hope everybody had a wonderful New Year. We did the usual thing of celebrating at home with family. This year's theme was 'At the Beach' - basically we just had to wear our bathing suits so it was easy to dress up for.

It was a great night with lots of food and drinks. There was an impromptu ABBA dance off with myself and my three neices. I don't know what it is about ABBA music but we love it here in Australia. My two year old neice Chloe can sing Mamma Mia - it is very cute.

Four days into the New Year and my DH and I went to the beach for the first time since we moved here. It was an overcast day but the water so was nice and warm. The waves were awesome but there were some strong ones - really have to watch for the rough seas here!! We had such a great time just jumping the waves and having fun. I forgot how fun it was just to go swimming in the ocean. I think we will be doing that more often now.

I found this flickr slide show on the internet of the beaches on the Gold Coast. We really do have some amazing beaches.

Have a wonderful 2009.

Till next time...........

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