Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Wet N Wild

A few weekend's ago we went to Wet'N'Wild for my nephews birthday.
Wet'N'Wild is a theme park we have here on the Gold Coast that is filled with fun water slides, a great kids area, a lagoon to totally chill out in and a swimming pool with waves.

My older sister and her family have season tickets to this theme park so they know the ins and outs of it all. We got there early in the morning so we could be the first in to get good lounge chairs and a picnic area. My Brother In Law was on top of this - he ran with my two nephews to get the perfect spot - right in front of the wave pool. Why is this the perfect spot........... well at dusk they play a movie on the big screen at the wave pool. It was the perfect setting for an awesome day. That night's movie was the latest Indianna Jones movie - we stayed a watched a bit of it then left early................ we had been out in the sun all day and were exhausted.
We picked the perfect day to go as it was hot all day long........... we realiased how hot it was that night when we couldn't sleep thanks to the sun burn!!! We started off the day going on a few of the slides - I am not a huge fan of water slides so I only went on a couple of them but I had lots of fun.

My favourite thing to do was to go on the lagoon ride where you lay in a tube and float around a lagoon for as long as you like. It was fun to watch my DH totally pick on my mother - she couldn't control the tube and my DH wasn't helping much either by pushing her in every direction possible. Later in the day we went on the tubes again but this time we got separated from my older sister and my neice. We couldn't find them for quite a while until finally they met us back at our lounge chairs. My two-year-old neice had fallen asleep on my sister and she couldn't get out of the lagoon so she kept going round in circles till her husband found her!!!
The wave pool was alot of fun too. Surprisingly, the waves were fairly strong and it didn't help that my DH kept throwing me under the water. Later in the day my twin sister's daughter came into the wave pool with me and that girl has no fear at all. She is only 3 but wanted me to leave her on her own in the wave pool - she kept wanting to go out into the rougher waves. She had a blast and was making me laugh so much!!
The birthday boy had lots of fun on his special day......... he enjoyed going on all the rides with everybody from his brother to his Grandfather.
We even had a birthday cake for him and a BBQ for dinner.
Happy Birthday Liam - glad I could be there to have fun with you!!!
Till next time..........

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