I was so hot that I got up and laid infront of the t.v with a fan on me to cool down. I could not go back to sleep for the life of me and ended up watching so much crap t.v - Maury Povich, Oprah, The Fabulous Life of Kimora (boy that woman is so demanding and gets everything she wants), I also ended up watching quite a cute movie, Unaccompanied Minors. It had Wilmer Valderamma in it and the kid from Bad Santa (another great movie if you haven't seen it already). Unaccompanied Minors is about a bunch of kids who get stuck in an airport because of bad weather and get up to mischief while there. Just a fun movie to watch at 5am!!!! Seriously though, try and watch it if you get a chance.
By 6am the sun was already coming up and I realiased there was no way I was going to be able to fall asleep now. At 7am I was in the pool doing laps - it was still stinking hot and the pool felt more like a bath then a pool - the water was warm already so early in the morning.
Plans for the day............ to be honest I thought I would be half asleep by 9am but I wasn't. My DH and I decided to head to the beach for the day and we met up with my sister and her family. By the time we got to the beach the sun was mostly gone with alot of cloud in the sky but looks can be deceiving as it was still pretty warm out. We took an esky of fruit, lots of water to drink and headed to Miami Beach for the day.
As expected the beach was fairly busy today. The waves weren't too rough either which was good. My nephews just loved going out and jumping the waves. My older nephew had fun with my DH, they went out quite fair and were swimming in the waves and diving into them as well. After a swim the kids loved playing in the sand. I cannot stand the sand all over me - I know as I kid I would sit there and let my brother and sister's bury me in the sand, I just couldn't imagine doing that now.
We were at the beach for about three hours when we saw the dramatic change in the weather. The weather here reminds me of what we had to deal with when we lived in Florida. It can be hot and sunny one minute and then a total downpour the next. That's what happened today......
We noticed the dark clouds in the distance - while at the beach you can basically see from one end of the Gold Coast to the other and we could clearly see that there was rain in the northern part of the Gold Coast.
We decided to call it a day and thought we had plenty of time to pack up our stuff but we were mistaken. The rain came from no where and was hitting so hard. We had to pack up in the rain and walk all the back to our cars while getting soaking wet........... oh well, all the more fun I thought!! We had a great day at the beach but it was nice to go home and have a shower and a cup of tea.
The good thing about not getting much sleep last night is that I have tomorrow off from work as it is Australia Day, so I can sleep in a little. We are celebrating Australia Day by going to a type of fair, I guess you could call it. This will be my husband's first Australia Day celebrated in Australia. We are looking forward to a great day.......... hope the weather co-operates. Time to go, Dad's cooking a barbie for dinner (not the doll, a BBQ).
Till next time...........
1 comment:
Hey Jo. It is snowing again here....!!! I wish I could send you some cold and you could send me some heat!
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