Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Rolling Down A Hill In A Ball.......... who knew it would be so much fun!!!

My brother just turned the big 3-0 last weekend and my DH had asked him what he wanted to do to celebrate. Apart from having a big party to celebrate he also wanted to go on the Zorb!!

Picture this - a hamster inside a hamster ball..................... now picture a much bigger ball with a human being inside it. Funny image, right? Okay now picture that oversized ball at the top of the hill, filled with some water and pushed down the hill................... HILARIOUS!!!!

My brother, DH and my oldest nephew all went down in the ball together and we were all there to see them and laugh our butts off. I took a few photo's so you can get the idea of what it looked like.

Firstly, the guys had to walk up the hill to get to the Zorb. Once up there they were hosed down to lube them up so that it was easy for them to leap into the ball - yes leap into the ball.

The guy at the top of the hill then pushed them down and they went rolling down the hill. While in the ball the water was splashing all over them and they were flying around all over the place.
Alot of fun had by all.
My DH also got a really great photo of a Kookaburra that was just hanging out in our backyard. If you aren't familiar with Kookaburra's they come from Australia (obviously) and they make a sound like they are laughing. We usually get them in our backyard first thing in the morning - instead of a Rooster waking us up we have Kookaburra's.
Till next time..............

1 comment:

Eleonor said...

I wanna go on the Zorb, too!!! I wanna go on the Zorb, too!!