Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

This past week I celebrated my birthday - my first birthday at home in quite a long time. My twin sister and I were able to celebrate our birthday together and we had a great time.

Our DH's had planned a surprise for us on the Saturday night and rented a limo to take us out to Surfer's Paradise. I had no idea where we were going, all I knew was that I had to get dressed up and be ready by 5pm. While in the limo I obviously figured out that we were heading to Surfer's Paradise but when it pulled up in front of the hotel - I had no idea where we were. It is pretty easy to keep a secret from me...........sometimes I am so clueless.

We arrived at the Marriott Hotel just before 6pm. This hotel is absolutely gorgeous - I love the ceiling fans they have throughout the lobby. We had dinner reservations at the Lagoon Restaurant which is an All You Can Seafood Buffett. Now usually I don't like buffett's but when it's Seafood I am all over it!!!! The food was amazing - I think I ate enough prawns to last me forever. My sister and I also got the wine buffett too - basically you pay $19 and can all you can drink red or white wine all night long.

After our amazing dinner we went for a walk through Surfer's Paradise then headed down to Broadbeach to Jupiter's Casino. We gambled for a little while and then called it a night. We had an awesome evening - it was fun to dress up and be treated like a Princess for a while.
The next day we had a family BBQ at my parent's place to celebrate my nephew's birthday and my sister's and my birthday. All the family came over, even my Grandmother came to the house for a while, which was great.
As I have probably said a thousand times, I love having my family all together for events like this. I missed it for those 8 years I was away and am enjoying it all over again.
Don't ever take your family for granted........
Till next time..............

1 comment:

Eleonor said...

While I miss you and wish you were still here....I'm happy for you! There is nothing like being with family. Happy birtdhay JOJO.