Friday, October 10, 2008

Day of Tears

As expected today was a hard day......... it was my last day at Clipper Street and I had alot of 'Goodbyes' to give out.

It was lovely to get to say bye to those special customer's who I got to know real well. Some came in to the store just to say bye which was really sweet. Thanks Sharon, for the gift and the magazine to keep me out of trouble on the plane.

My boss Diane took me out for lunch today. We had a great time and nice long chat about lots of different things. She is such a sweet lady and after the first time I met her, back in 2005, I knew I wanted to work for her. It was really hard saying 'Goodbye' to Diane, there were lots of tears (not just from me).

As for my staff and friends at Clipper Street - the hardest people to say 'bye' to.

Heather and Cathy - thanks for calling and saying 'Goodbye' - you girls ROCK!!

Ange - thanks for the Nicholas Sparks book - I am truly going to miss our early morning chats. You are such a strong and wonderful person. I know I am going to see you Down Under soon enough.

Veronica - one of the most hardworking people I know. I'll miss your little visits throughout the day.

Steph - you are going to do an amazing job - Congratulations again on the promotion.

Allison, Danielle, Frances - you girls are AWESOME!!! Thank you for being a great addition to our team.

Maureen - thanks for dropping in and saying 'bye' today. It was great to see you and the kids one last time.

S.A - we were an great team in the good old days - I have missed working with you. Keep in touch my friend.

Allan - my 'little brother' - thanks for ALWAYS making work fun. And making me cry again when I checked my email.

And finally Little Sam................. oh my goodness. Did we let open the flood gates or what!!! That was a crying session that was 1 month in the waiting. Keep in touch little Sammy - I'm going to miss you and your gorgeous voice.

Clipper Street has given me LOTS of great memories that I will always have forever. What a great group of women that I got to work with each and every day. How lucky I was.

Till Next Time..............


Catherine said...

The saying 'You reap what you sow' applies to you in the bestest of ways. My only regret is that I only worked with you for such a short time - I wish you all the best in the 'land down under'(not crying crocadile tears - crying real ones)

Jo said...

Thanks for the kind words Cathy. I truly mean what I said, I will miss each and every one of you.