Monday, October 27, 2008

Greeting from the Gold Coast

Well my DH and I have kinda settled into our new life in Australia. Still no job, so it feels like we are on vacation right now. We did go for an interview yesterday - fingers crossed!!! I felt it went well but I may not be what they are after. Will keep you posted.

Today it is stinkin' hot - don't know what the actual temperature is but all I can say it is 'bloody hot'. And it's not like the heat starts in the middle of the day - oh no - it is boiling hot first thing in the morning at 6am. That is where you can find me oiled up and tanning in the back yard!!! Check me out this morning!!!!

It has been great visiting with my family and seeing all my neices and nephews. Olivia's 3rd birthday party will be this Saturday. She is into Dora the Explorer these days so I bought a gift accordingly. She is slowly warming up to me......... she is my twin sister's daughter and I am sure it is freaking her out that we look the same. Infact Olivia looks just like we did at her age!!

My DH and I still haven't found a new Dojo to join but we did find a really good gym and will start working out today. It is so easy to get out of routine and I have been fairly lazy since we moved here so I decided today, despite the heat, we have to do some form of exercise today.

That's it for now........... haven't been able to scrapbook or make my cards yet as we are still waiting for most of our boxes to come.
Till next time..................

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