Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

What does Thanksgiving mean to me..................

1. It means I get my favourite food - HAM!!!

2. It means we get lots of other food too - turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pototoes, carrots, peas, etc.

3. It means all the family get together to enjoy this meal

4. It means our extended family - friends from the cruiseship - also come over for dinner

5. It means good times had by all
Check out the pictures below of dinner - so good!!!!!

We had a lovely day of getting together and chatting before my DH and I head off on Friday. To end the night we lounged on the couch and watched Ironman!!!
I know I ate way too much........... trouble is there is no time for exercising as we had brunch this morning with our good friends Erin and Todd and now we are heading out for another farewell Thanksgiving meal - this time, a deep-fried turkey. I know I will have to go for an extra long run tomorrow.
Till next time.

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