Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Just when things were going smoothly.....

Only two days till we go now!! I have nearly finished packing my luggage. I have been struggling with what I should take and what I should leave behind. We are planning on leaving alot of our winter stuff behind - we don't think we really need it right now. For some reason I have been stressing over what I should be taking. My older sister called me this afternoon and laid it out clearly - I can always buy things in Australia, it's not the end of the world. True............ it made me feel better about leaving things behind. Also, I have to remember that we will be back next Summer so I can bring more stuff home then.

The end of the world came at about 3pm this afternoon though............. I was on my way to Coquitlam to pick up my final pay check and the car broke down. I was so mad. First the radio just totally went off and I couldn't get it back on. Then the light came up for the ABS breaks and the air bags and finally, I got the biggest hint when a sign lit up that said Check Battery!! At that point I was questioning whether I should continue out to Coquitlam and then the car encouraged me to stop driving by just not working!!!

I think the thing that upset me the most was that people were honking at me - like I could go anywhere. Then I would have cars come right behind me and just sit there waiting for me to go - my hazard lights were on, I don't know what more I could have done to prove that this car was going nowhere. The final straw was a creepy old man on a bicycle came by and stopped by the car. He looked at me all weird and I thought 'great, now what'. I said to him 'is there something I can help you with' and he said something in a foreign language and then pointed to the green light and said 'go'. I informed him that I would go if I could but unfortunetly I couldn't. People are so STOOPID!!!

Before all this took place I actually had a lunch date with my good friend Heather. It was nice to sit down and chat over lunch before I left. We went to Cactus Club and the service and food was really good. The last few times I had been there the service was really bad and food mediocre - it seems to have improved. After a tearful 'goodbye' with Heather I then headed to Coquitlam when the 'incident' happened. We only waited for the tow truck for about an hour. Hopefully the car will be fixed early tomorow morning - we have lots to do.

Day ended on a high - got my final pay and all I can say is 'cha-ching' - this final pay check has really come in handy.

Till next time.............


Marisa said...

Wow Jo. Had no idea that your were moving to Australia. Came upon your blog through Eleanor's. It was really nice knowing you and seeing you when you were at the Richmond store. You will surely be missed by your staff and people you have served over the past few years.

I really want to wish you and your DH the best of luck in Australia. Hope to see you when you come back for a visit.

Take Care,

Marisa (Maria) from Richmond

scrappergirl said...

Jo...say it isn't so. I wish I'd known you were leaving, I would have stopped by to say goodbye before your last day. I sent you a "friend" request on Facebook so we can keep in touch.

Have a safe trip...I'm sure it'll be nice to be near your family again.

By the way, I can totally relate to your car breakdown story. Not long after I got my licence, the transmission seized on my car and I was stuck for 45 minutes before the tow truck finally showed front wheels were locked so I couldn't even have the car pushed to the side of the road. People were so awful, I couldn't believe it. Finally, a really nice man stopped and directed traffic around me until I was towed.

Best of luck with everything,

Cathy Covin