Monday, September 29, 2008

A Good Citizen

This past weekend my DH and I witnessed a car accident. We were literally right behind the two cars that got hit in the middle of an intersection. My first thought was, 'We had the green light, how could this happen'. My second thought was, 'That could have been us if we were in front of those cars'.

I have been in only one car accident, and that was in Australia. I had a drunk driver decide to ram right into the back of my car while I was stopped at a red light - to make it that much better the guy that hit me didn't even have a valid license.

I have never seen a car accident before, though. It was actually really frightening to witness. Basically what had happened was that a young guy going North thought that he could make it through the intersection before the cars going West. Even though the cars going West had a green light, for some reason the young driver thought he was invincible and could make it through the intersection. This young driver obviously went through a red light!!

My DH and I did the right thing and gave our information to the people in the accident and told them that we witnessed everything. We then had to go to the police station and write a statement. You are probably wondering why do this? It is such a hassle, isn't it??

This is why we decided to give a statement: Put yourself in the situation of being involved in a car accident. Wouldn't you want somebody to come forward if they saw everything. In this day and age you can never just think your honest word would help you in situations like this. We were actually eager to give a statement as we did see EVERYTHING that took place and it was so clear that a red light was driven through that caused this accident.

Next time you witness an accident think about coming forward and giving a statement. Remember Karma - what goes around comes around. You may need a witness one day too.

Until next time.............

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