Monday, September 15, 2008

No Pain No Gain

If you ever want to know what real physical pain feels like do 3 hours of crazy exercise and then you will know. I thought that after a while of doing boxing classes and jiu jitsu the pain would eventually go away and my body would get used to the constant torture. I now know that it isn't so.

Tonight I did my Boxing class - 1 1/2 hour class of non-stop body conditioning. Get a load of this:

1. Skipping for about 15 minutes (I don't mean Primary School 'skip for fun' kind of skipping either)
2. Circuit training - 3 cycles of different activities such as push ups, hand stands, speed bag, shadow boxing with weights, etc (we aren't having a friendly little picnic here)
3. Squats - try 150 of them
4. Lunges - again try 75 on each leg
5. Sit-ups with medicine ball - not for the faint hearted, another 100 here.

This is just part of what we did tonight. My body was aching so much during and after and then we still stayed for our Jiu Jitsu class too. I don't know how I lasted 3 hours of exercise but I did and I am so proud of myself for it.

The boxing gym I have been attending is Next Generation in Richmond. Mark, Jeff and Louis all help out at these boxing sessions and they are amazing. They are so patient with you but what I like best is that they are encouraging too. I know if it wasn't for them I would probably give up. Actually, I think the old Jo would have given up - I think there encouraging just makes me want to try harder.

Time to rest now.

Till next time...........

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