Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11

7 years ........... that is how long it has been since 9/11. Where were you on September 11th, 2001? What does this date mean to you?

The eerie thing is that I remember quite clearly were I was and what I was doing on this day - as if it were just yesterday.

In September 2001 I was working for Disney Cruise Line. We were just pulling in to Norfolk, Virginia for Drydock. I know my DH and I were really excited about Drydock as we were planning on driving to Washington to see the sights - it would be a totally new experience for both of us.

On the morning we arrived in Virginia we were all called in for an emergency meeting in the Kids play area. There were no guests on the ship, just crew. As I stepped into the Kids play area I saw my Manager's there watching one of the t.v's. They had the station on CNN which I found odd as we were not usually allowed to watch regular t.v in the Kids area. It was then that our Manager's explained what was going on and as they explained about the first plane going through the twin towers - we all watched in horror as the 2nd plane went through the twin towers too. It still brings tears to my eyes watching that and thinking that it was a blockbuster movie being filmed. Sadly it wasn't, it was actually happening and it was happening not that far away from where we were.

Drydock did not start of as much fun at all. The ship was in total lock down - nobody was allowed to leave and nobody was allowed to come on. Our drydock area was a known Navy base and could have been targeted. Infact, it felt like total anarchy as there was rumour going around that just being on the Disney ship was a target in itself - being that it is an 'All American' company. My DH called his family in Canada to make sure they knew we were okay. I know his friends were eager to get us home quickly but we couldn't leave the ship. I remember calling Mum and Dad in Australia to tell them not to worry - I ended up scaring them myself as the news hadn't even hit Australia at that point.

I think we were in lockdown on the ship for a few days before they started letting us off the ship and living a somewhat more normal existance. Needless to say, my DH and I decided not to venture out to Washington. We took in the sights of Norfolk which was more than enough. After about a week it was business as usual................

After 9/11 everything changed though. Leaving Orlando airport to head home there were armed police everywhere. Extra security was obvious and understandable but it was from that point on that I knew things would never be the same again.

For all those people who lost loved ones due to 9/11 - I am so very sorry. Such a horrible thing to have taken place - lives taken away because of what??

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