Sunday, September 14, 2008

Jo Can Cook

As some of you may know I am not a huge fan of the kitchen or cooking. It's not that I don't know how to cook - give me a recipe and I'll cook you a meal - it's just that I don't like to cook. I would much rather be scrapbooking, cardmaking, watching t.v, working out, etc - I could really go on here but I will stop.

For some reason, this morning when I got out of bed I felt the need to make my DH breakfast in bed. He cooks for us ALL the time and I felt it was about time that I returned the favour. Even though I wasn't eating it, I cooked him bacon, eggs and toast. Now, aren't I a good wifey!! I didn't even leave the kitchen in a mess!!

After breakfast I was feeling a bit daring and offered to cook dinner. I know, twice in one day, what is wrong with me!!!

My MIL and I had found a recipe about a month ago. While waiting for my DH at the dentist we were reading some magazines and I came across a recipe for Carraway Pork Piccata. While my MIL pretended to have a coughing attack, I carefully tore the recipe out of the dentist's magazine.

Basically the recipe is like a Pork Snitzel but it uses different ingredients like panko (a Japanese style bread crumb) and different herbs. Each piece of Pork is about 300 calories so we just had salad and corn with it to keep it a light meal.

Below is the recipe - try it home some time:

2 Eggs
1 1/4 cup Panko
1 tbsp caraway seeds
1 1/2 tsp dried parsley
6 centre-cut boneless pork loin chips - pounded to 1/4" thickness
2 tbsp canola oil

1. Whisk eggs together in a wide, shallow bowl
2. Stir together panko, caraway seeds and parsley in another wide, shallow bowl
3. Dip pork in egg then let excess drip off. Dredge in panko and set aside on a plate until ready to fry. Continue with rest of chops
4. In a non-stick pan heat 1tsp of oil over medium high heat. Pan fry 3-4 minutes on each side. continue to cook in batches until all pork is used. Keep cooked pork warm in a low oven.

They suggest to serve with a wedge of lemon. Kids may like ketchup with it.

Happy eating.......

Till next time................

1 comment:

Eleonor said...

Thanks to you, it is 10 PM and I suddenly want to have a pork chop!