Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I don't know if I have mentioned before but my DH is an unreal cook. If it wasn't for him I think I would be living on Kraft Dinner!!!

I am one lucky lady as he can open up the cupboard or the fridge and come up with an amazing meal with what is in front of him. Now, if I opened up the cupboard or the fridge my next move went be calling Domino's and ordering a pizza.

Tonight was no exception for yummy meals. My DH had a pork roast sitting in the slow cooker all day and we were going to have pulled pork sandwiches. I came home from work and nobody was home and all I could smell was the roast cooking. It took ALOT of will power not to start chowing down on it.

Now I know it is hard to get a real grasp of how good this smelled but the next best thing is to take a picture of it so everybody can drool over what my man cooked. Doesn't it look good. I love how the photo even shows the steam coming out of the pot.

Well, needless to say dinner was delicious.

I've definetly got a keeper here.............I just wish all woman had men like my DH who were so willing to cook and not only that, so willing to cook really good meals.

till next time..............

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