Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

What does Labor Day Weekend mean to me................

1. 3 day weekend
2. Start of a new school year
3. Mall is crazy busy (thanks to school going back)
4. Time at home doing absolutely nothing

My DH and I have three days off together, which is great. We have no plans to go anywhere so we will be hanging around the house doing nothing. Some times you just need days like that.

Yesterday, Saturday, I slept in and went for a nice long walk around our neighbourhood. After that I just lounged around - we had an afternoon nap and then went out to Matsuyama for some yummy Japanese food. After dinner we walked up to the store to rent a DVD - there was nothing there that we really wanted to watch so we just walked home and watched some tube.

Usually, I would be the first to say 'What a waste of a day' or 'I should have done more that day'. To be honest, I did have those thoughts first thing in the morning and then my DH reminded me of actually how often we get to do this. The answer: Not very often. So then I didn't feel quite so bad. I enjoyed doing absolutely nothing.

This morning we woke up and already had plans to go to Browns for Brunch. I think I have already mentioned but this is a restaurant that just opened last week and that my DH's friends own. Brunch was great. My DH had a breakfast pizza that looked yummy and tasted just as good. It had egg, bacon, peppers and cheese on it. So good! I opted for the Breakfast Bun that had egg, bacon, cheese, lettuce and tomato and came with potatoes on the side. Even better and so filling. I couldn't eat it alll. Normally I would have forced the food down but I have learnt not to do that. If you live locally I recommend trying out Browns in Richmond. Great for brunch, lunch or dinner. (Did that sound like advertising or what!!!!) Seriuosly though, great food.

Time to go....

Till next time.....

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