Monday, August 11, 2008

What's with all the fighting?

What a busy weekend........... and it started with Fight Night on Saturday night. You are probably wondering what I mean when I say 'Fight Night'. No my DH and I do not attack each other and nor do we go out looking for a fight - although that could be fun (see what I have turned into since taking up Jiu Jitsu). Okay, to get to my point, Fight Night is when we have a bunch of friends over and we watch the UFC pay per view all together. It is a great night with friends and a good excuse to drink (for some) and have a few laughs.

This Saturday night my DH and I hosted Fight Night. Our first night hosting and it was alot of fun. We thought we were going to run out of food (oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the person hosting supplies dinner and snacks). The day started with only 12-15 people coming over but by the end of the day we were over 21 people which was AWESOME. Everyone had a good time, the fights were good and entertaining - I think it was a successful evening.

On Sunday we had open training at our Dojo but the person who was supposed to open the Dojo never showed up........... what to do??? We went home and beat the crap out of each other!!! I am not joking. We now have mouth guards and gloves - so we went outside and traded punches with each other. It was actually fun!!! We didn't hit each other too hard to cause any major injuries but hard enough to get the feel of it.

I'll let you know how the rest of our weekend was later...............

Till next time............

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