After at least two attempts my DH and I went to see The Dark Knight yesterday. We caught a very early showing yesterday morning - 11:30am and there was only about 10 of us in the theatre which was great. We had tried to see the movie twice before but the line ups were ridiculous. So now I am going to review the movie from a 'girls' perspective. Here goes:

So is 'The Dark Knight' deserving of the hype that has been surrounding it - my answer 'yes'. It was definetly action-packed and the special effects were amazing. The movie was over 2 hours long - closer to 2 1/2 hours actually but it was non-stop throughout the whole movie. Usually I get bored with a long movie and can't wait for it to be over but not with this movie. There was full-on action throughout and it kept you wanting more - there were no long, drawn out parts at all. For those who haven't seen the movie they do introduce another Batman character about 3/4's into the film which is why you forget about how long the movie is as it captivates you yet again. I won't tell you who this character is just incase you want to see the movie for yourself.

I wasn't a big fan of the newer Batman movies. I was one of those few people who liked Tim Burton's version of the Batman movies. When the newer Batman movie came out with Christian Bale I wasn't too fussed and didn't really like him in the role. After watching The Dark Knight I soon changed my mind. Christian Bale is actually quite hot and looks good as Batman too. One of the first movies I ever saw Christian Bale in was American Psych - totally creeped me out and I thought he was such a pig - I obviously forgot he was just acting. Times have changed as like I said earlier, Christian Bale was one unreal Batman. Talking about actors, Maggie Gyllenhaal was amazing. Loved her in this role - much better than Katie Holmes. I am not a Katie Holmes hater but she seriously did not fit the role in the first Batman. Maggie was much better and more believable - and she also has a hot brother too.

Lastly, Heath Ledger................ what a rockstar!! (And I am not only saying that because he is a fellow Australian) He was AWESOME as the joker - a little creeper but that was the role he had to play. His character was the one that really kept me on the edge of my seat. All that talk about him getting an Oscar - I used to think that was silly and just a simpathy vote but after seeing the movie - I believe much deserving. What a shame he is gone........... he was such a talented guy - his last full movie role definetly shows how talented he was.
So, what do I give this movie. Definetly a thumb's up. Not for children at all - it is a really dark and scary movie, but a great movie for adults. I would wait and watch it without the crowds or do what we did and watch it early in the day.
Till next time....................
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