Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Madison!

I would like to wish my niece, Madison, a happy 4th birthday!! I have tried calling home a few times to wish her a Happy Birthday but haven't been able to actually speak to her yet. (By the way, thanks Mark for the 1:30am wake up call yesterday - have you not heard about something called 'time zones')

Yes, I know she looks quite young in this photo but this was taken back in 2005 when I was home last. Isn't she the cutest little thing............... I miss you so much Madi and can't wait to see you again.

Madison, I hope you had a wonderful birthday and got all that you wanted. Hopefully I will speak to you soon - I'll try to call when you are not napping.

Till next time................

1 comment:

Eleonor said...

Jo, she looks so cute I want to eat her up. Kinda like that cupcake card you made -- makes me want to eat something sweet. She's a sweetheart.