Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Mist!!!

So, earlier this week I said to my DH that I wanted to do nothing but stay at home all night Saturday. I was so exhausted from having such late nights that I anticipated a night of doing nothing. The great thing is we did absolutely nothing and it was awesome.

We were just flicking through the channels and my DH came across the movie, The Mist. I remember seeing the shorts for this and thinking, I am never going to watch this. I DO NOT do scary movies. I am the type of person who puts myself in the situation of the movie and it freaks me out.

The Mist is a novel by Stephen King - need I say more. So, that I don't give away too much - basically there is this mist that is covering a town and bad things are happening. There are a bunch of people stuck inside of a store and they cannot leave the store or the 'mist' will get them. There is a bible-thumping freak, who eventually gets most of the people in the store thinking that this is the will of God, etc, etc, etc.

Basically, there cannot be a good ending to this movie - I figured that out early on in the film.

If you like scary movies and Stephen King novels then I recommend you rent it, or watch it on one of the movie channels like we did. I sat through the whole movie and only covered my eyes twice!!

till next time............

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