Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Poor Solly

Solly is my Mother-in-law's cat and he is desparately missing her right now. Like I mentioned in a previous post she went to Ontario to see her daughter who has just had a baby. So now it is up to my DH and I to keep Solly company.

Solly is used to having somebody home with him all the time and unfortunatley we cannot stay with him all day as we have full-time jobs. He has been meowing more often these last couple of days and sleeping more too. I must say though, it has been rainy outside so that may be why he is prefering to nap than to play outside.

Below is a picture of Solly - isn't he cute. He isn't even a year old yet and has such a lovely temperant for a cat. Solly is so much fun to have around the house and is especially fun to watch after a bit of cat nip.

Don't worry Solly, mummy will be home soon.

Till next time...................

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