Tuesday, August 5, 2008

An old friend.................

I got some very exciting news today. A friend that my DH and I used to work with is coming to visit us and we haven't seen him in at least 4 years. What's the big deal................let me explain.

Back in 2000 I left Australia to go and work for Disney Cruise Line. I met my husband on my very first contract on the ship and that is also were we met our friend Neil. Neil was like having a brother on the ship - we hit it off straight away and became quite good friends with him. My memories of Neil is that he always made me laugh, he was hard to understand (he was from Scotland), and he always made the cruise ship feel like home whenever I returned for a new contract. He was kinda like a piece of the furniture as he has been there for a million years (maybe not that long but I bet he thinks it feels that long).

The most amazing part about working on the cruise ship was that we became such great friends with people from all over the world. For goodness sake, I'm Australian and my husband is Canadian. I can't think of any other job where you are working with people from one end of the world to the other.

Our friend Neil will be here this week for a wedding. This Sunday we will be meeting up with him for dinner and then he is gone on Monday. A quick visit, but I am just happy that we can meet up with him after all these years. Will keep you posted on our visit.

Till next time............

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