Friday, August 15, 2008

A quick visit

So last weekend my DH and I got to meet up with an old friend from our Cruise ship days.
Even though we only had an evening to spend with Neil it was so good to see him again. We had worked out it had been at least 4 years since we saw him last but it definetly didn't feel like that. We got into talking about what is going on with Disney (that's the cruise ship we used to work on). We also chatted about what the future holds for all of us and what plans Neil has next. Neil has been working for DCL for nearly 10 years - crazy, hey. I was there for 4 years and that was long enough for me. It's a great life on a cruiseship but can be hard to get back into reality after a while.

When working on the cruiseship everybody is like family because you don't have your real family with you. It was soooooooooo good to catch up with Neil. He was like having a brother on the ship for me. I like to think we were always there for each other and still are.

Miss you already Neil.

While waiting for Neil at the ferry terminal I got some pretty good photo's of the surrounding area. The ferry terminal was in a place called Horseshoe Bay which is basically on the way up to Whistler. It is a really quiet seaside town and so cute. There really isn't much there except ther ferry terminal and a few restaurants.

Enjoy the photo's.

Till next time.............

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