Friday, September 5, 2008

Some cards to share.........

Not the best photo's, but here are a couple of cards that I have made recently. I am always eager to play with my stamps and cardmaking but it is so hard to find the time sometimes. Here they are:

The first card, 'Congratulations', was made for a couple of friends who just opened a restaurant. One of my friends from work, Sam, suggested the new Basic Grey line, Offbeat. The actual paperI used is called Atypical and it has vegetables all over it in a kind of hip way. I just love this paper and the colours in it too and I paired it up with matching cardstock, brads and ribbon. Simple card that can be put together in record time - I should know, my DH gave me about 15 minutes to make it.

You are probably wondering, where does she get her ideas from. Well, I often go through magazines to get initial ideas but often I will look at something and then go in a totally different direction. The ideas truly are endless when it comes to card making.

The second card is for my dad for Father's Day. No, I am not late for Father's Day. In Australia we like to be different and actually celebrate Father's Day in September. I used some really cute paper that I had lying around the house. I can't remember which company made it, maybe Scenic Route??

Anyways, as you will probably notice I have been using a threading scallop punch alot in my cards. It is my new favourite tool - I think I may be using it too much!!! It is a punch from Fiskars and we sell it at Clipper Street and at Clipper Street Online. I bought the 'Father's Day' stamp from Clipper Street a little while ago. Comes in handy at least once a year.
Well, that was my creative moment from for this week. Wish I had more time to be creative though.
Till next time..............

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