Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some quick cards..........

At Clipper Street, we have started getting some new product into the stores and it is one of the most exciting parts of my job, but also the hardest. Imagine seeing all this new stuff come into the store and you have to stop yourself from buying it all. That is what I have to do nearly every single day.

When I first started working at Clipper Street I am sure that 1/2 my paycheck would go right back to the company. After a while I realised that this just wasn't going to work out, actually it was my DH who basically said 'Stop spending money at Clipper Street'. Now I have learnt to buy supplies ONLY when I need them. I have actually done very well. I find that buying like this is better for me as I don't have too much paper laying around that I know I won't end up using.

So, back to some of that new paper we got in at work. We got the new Christmas and Valentine's line from American Crafts and it is gorgeous. I got a couple of sheets of the Christmas paper as it is very seasonal and may all be gone soon. As for the Valentine's line - well I bought the paper for a very girl birthday card. Soooooooooo cute!! Below is a Birthday card that I made as soon as I got home.

One of the patterned paper's I used had cupcakes all over it so I cut one out and I used white liquid applique on it. I know it is hard to see but basically the white liquid applique makes the icing on the cupcake look real.

The second patterned paper I used had polka dots all over it - as you can see. I love using polka dots - it is one of my favourite patterns to use.

This is a card that I made last week but hadn't posted yet.

I used Heidi Swapp paper, which I just loved. (There are those damn polka dots again).

I had bought the chick stamp a while ago, back in Easter time. I don't make Easter cards but loved the chick and thought I could use it for a birthday care - so I did. I just watercoloured him yellow. Isn't he cute - he looks like he is dancing.

To give the card a different look I used an inverted corner rounder on the first layer. These corner rounders are hard to find - I bought the last one from Clipper Street a while back and we haven't been able to re-stock them since.

Till next time.................

Sunday, July 27, 2008


This morning we had a jiu jitsu training session at the dojo. My DH and I have been interested in learning how to grapple and take our training a little further. You may wonder why I would be interested in this. Well...................... I have now become a fan of the UFC and am intrigued at how they get out of submissions and how they take people down and, well just about everything. Like I have said before our Sensei is awesome, and even better then that she has shown us some cool grappling moves and today we learned some more. All Ihave to say is OUCH!!!

My arms have never been so bruised up before in my life. We were doing scissor sweeps and elevator sweeps - you probably don't know what that means but they were grappling techniques and they were so much fun to do. I was actually able to get my DH off of me a few times - which I thought was pretty good as he is much bigger than me.

Below are a few photo's of me. Enjoy.

Till Next time...........

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What ever happened to having manners???

One of the things I remember as a kid was being told to 'watch my manners'. Always use please and thank you. Be polite. Use common courtesy.
I sometimes think that people forgot about these simple things once they become adults. I know I try to remember my manners on a regular basis but I believe some people just don't think about it at all.

I am sure you are wondering what brought this topic on - I'll explain.

Today I was at work helping a customer and as I was cashing her out her cell phone rang. Instead of ignoring it or turning it off or even just excusing herself and answering the phone - she started a full blown conversation while I was ringing through her product. Not only that, she didn't stop talking once, I don't even know if she heard me say how much the items came to. She continued the conversation as she walked out the door - no 'thank you' - nothing. No acknowledgment that I had even helped her.

Now, I totally understand that if it was an important phone call that she would have to take it, but this was a casual call with a friend (I heard everything) and it could have waited.

I just don't get the urgency with phone calls. I know people who drop everything as soon as their cell phone rings.

What ever happened to the good old days - when there weren't any cell phones. Apparently back then there were no emergencies either.

Let's go back to simpler times................

Till next time....

Monday, July 21, 2008


I started writing this blog as a way for my family to keep in touch with what I am up to each day and also as a way to write how I am feeling.

I just wanted to say hello and thank you to all those people who have been reading my blog - from Australia to the Bahamas and even to South America - I never thought I would get this many people reading my blog - so thank you again.

This is truly awesome to me as I used to work on a Cruise Ship and still have friends from all over the world - this reminds of that time and I hope I can meet lots of wonderful new friends from all over the world again, through my blog.

Please feel free to leave comments - it would be great to get to know you all.

Till next time..........

Sunday, July 20, 2008


What a beautiful day on the Lower Mainland. The sun was shining, there was a bit of a breeze - the perfect day for golf.

My DH and I had an early start at the driving range first and then headed off to Mylora in Richmond for a round of golf with some friends from our Jiu Jitsu class.

Now don't get any ideas - I am no professional. Again, this is something that I do to be active and it is a sport that my DH and I can do together. To be perfectly honest I suck at golf but I did have a few good hits every now and then.

I think the highlight of my day was watching a little squirral we made friends with try and find food to eat. He was really friendly and wanted to hang out with us. So cute!!

This afternoon I made a Congratulations card for some friends who just got married and we will be seeing them next weekend. Hope you like it.
I used a beautiful new Beach Wedding paper line from Creative Imaginations and also bazzill bling.
For the stamped greeting I heat embossed with gold.
Till next time....

Friday, July 18, 2008

Feist on Sesame Street

Just another quick blog. I heard about this on the radio yesterday.

In August Feist will be appearing on Sesame Street's 39th Season premiere and will be performing a new version of her song, '1,2,3,4'. It is sooooo cute.


I HATE traffic!!!!

Now I know that 'hate' is not a very good word to use but seriously, enough already.

I already work a good 45 minutes away from home and can handle that but it is so annoying to just sit in traffic and not move anywhere for a good 30 minutes. That was my drive home today. For some reason it took about 40 just to get around a block - after that it was smooth sailing. It took me over 1 1/2 hours to get home tonight - UGH!!

While I'm complaining about the traffic I'll continue with some of the moron driver's out there too. I just love people who honk there horn when there clearly isn't anywhere anybody can go!! What is the point??? They think by honking their horn all the cars will magically disappear and Tinkerbell will come flying by to lead them to the front of the line of traffic!! (Sorry, I used to work for Disney AND I believe in fairies).

And, finally, I love those crazy people who think that if they drive really really close behind you that you will be there friend and get out of there way. I don't know about you but that only encourages me to drive slower and annoy them even more!!! As you can probably guess, I had one of those wankers behind me today too. But Karma did deal him a nice hand as at some point on the drive home he got stuck behind a bus and I passed him in no time!!

Now, you are probably all thinking, oh my gosh this girl gets so worked up about traffic. To be honest - I do. As I said earlier, I HATE traffic and I especially dislike stupid driver's who cause accidents.

And lastly, I will own up to the fact that one of my favourite radio stations to listen to is the traffic report on AM730-those from Vancouver will know what I am talking about.

Now for some more soothing stuff. To the right is a greeting card I made the other day. I find card making and creating very relaxing (helps after a day stuck in traffic).
All the supplies I have used I purchased at work at Clipper Street Scrapbook Company. We have brought in the cutest stamps with this little cat called Fluffles on them. The card says 'Happy Birthday .... or bust'.
The paper I used is from Around The Block and the cardstock is Bazzill. I used gel pens to colour the stamp and for the greeting Pebbles rub ons.
Till next time.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A break by the beach

What an AWESOME weekend.

I often find that when you plan weekends nothing ever works out. Unplanned weekends are the best. This weekend was no exception.

We went to visit friends who have a Summer place at Point Roberts. Funny thing about Point Roberts is that it is part of the U.S.A but you can only get there thru Canada. It is a quiet little town with nothing much going on there. There are no big department stores, no Starbucks, no MacDonalds - this is why I like it so much. It is peaceful, quiet and such a relaxed place to spend a couple of days. The best part - it is only 20 minutes away from where we live but you would think it was further than that.

My DH and I were only going to stay one night with our friends. There house is right on the water and we were going to enjoy a delicous Mexican feast (thanks Erin) and spend time with friends chatting and chilling out.

We ended up staying two nights and then had to go back to reality on Monday. It was such a nice break from the hussle and bussle of city life. I have attached some photo's so that you can be jealous of our relaxing weekend. There is a great shot of Mount Baker, Washington.


Till next time.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


A moment to vent............... why is that guy's lose weight so much faster than girls. It's not fair. I have been working my butt off by exercising and making sure I don't eat junk food and my weight has stayed the same, yet my DH's weight is dropping like crazy. AAARGH!! It is so frustrating.
I am basically living on fruit, yogurt and pita bread during the day. I haven't eaten chocolate in at least three weeks (and for those who know me - I LOVE my chocolate). As for exercising - I am doing some kind of exercise at least 5 times a week. Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, going to the gym, even going for runs.
On the positive side of things:
1. I feel healthier
2. I have become more energetic and less lazy
3. My clothes are fitting a little better
4. I am no longer addicted to junk food!!
I will be patient and wait for more results..................
Thanks for letting me vent.

Till next time

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


A day of Inspiration................

I went to my Monday Boxing class yesterday and was totally inspired by one of the girls in my class. I have never seen somebody (close up) that is so toned and had so much energy. This girls arms were AMAZING - it inspired me to work harder and get a body like that!!! One day.... let's not rush into these things. Boxing was so hard yesterday - the previous Monday it wasn't too bad and we got to beat up on our coach - which I loved!! Great for getting your frustrations out. Yesterday was intense. I dont' think I have ever sweated so much but it was such a great feeling.

This week at work, Clipper Street Scrapbook Company, we are having a BOGO sale on all our stamps. I have truly gotten into stamping over the last year and my stamp collection is growing slowly. We have such a variey of stamps at Clipper Street - so many varieties to be insprired by. I have already bought mine - I have left some for everybody else.

Till next time

Sunday, July 6, 2008

A Lazy Sunday

I love Sundays! Why, you may ask.....................

1. I get to sleep in.

2. It is the one and only day that I know my husband and I have off together so we alway do something together.

3. There is usually nothing ever planned on a Sunday - so I get to do nothing all day - except what I want to do.

Today was no exception. I got to sleep in till 10:30am - until my two neices came running in to the room to wake me up.

My husband and I went to a Jiu Jitsu training session - which was the only thing we had planned for the day - great to get a work out in.

I lazed around all afternoon and then when I felt like it I made some greeting cards. Why?? Just because.

I enjoy keeping my Sunday's chilled so that I am not too tired for work. If I haven't already mentioned I work for a scrapbook company that really helps and encourages my crafting addiction. I manage the Coquitlam store of Clipper Street Scrapbook Company. The best scrapbooking store in the lower mainland. (And I am not just saying that).

Below is a card that I made today. After long days at work I usually don't feel like being crafty but today I couldn't wait to make some cards with some new paper that I had just bought. Yeh, that's another thing - I love buying new scrapbook supplies too!! More on that next time.

For those in the know I used bazzill cardstock; Doodlebug paper, Inkadinkadoo stamp; and assorted ribobn.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Those three little words............

Now, when I decided to move to Canada there was one main hesitation I had - and it wasn't the obvious of missing my family. That is a given........... of course I am going to miss them. The thing that concerned me the most was not seeing my nephews and neices grow up. For some reason I thought that they would forget who I am and not think about me. Well I was so wrong. My older nephews always want to talk to me on the phone - even at 10 and 8 years old they miss me and always ask when I will be coming home.

Since moving to Canada both my sister's have had babies that I haven't even met yet - two little girls that I cannot wait to meet. This is where my concern came true - these two little angels won't know who I am and will probably take a while to warm up to me when I get to meet them. On a positive side of things - my twin sister's little girl will see pictures of me and think it is her Mommy - it's going to be funny to see what happens when we are both in the same room as her. Poor little thing will be thinking she is seeing double!!

So anyways, I had the best phonecall yesterday. My brother in Australia called me to see how I was doing and we chatted on the phone for a while. During the conversation my 6 year old nephew wanted to say hi to me. I haven't seen Andre' in nearly three years and I feel like I have kinda missed seeing him grow up. When I left he was quiet and shy and now he always wants to have long conversations and tell me about school and what he has been up to.

My brother had told him that it was time to say goodbye to me and before passing the phone to his dad he said those magical three words that always get to me. Without any prompting and in his sweet voice he said 'I Love You'. I just melted and got a little I tend to do.

I love you too, Andre'

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Oh the people you will see...........

I had the day off from work yesterday so we spent the day with the in-laws. We went on an adventure to Vancouver via the sky train. Oh the people that you see............. I love people watching and travelling on the sky train is the ultimate in people watching. The way home was much more entertaining. Some guy thought that it would be okay to bring his pet dog on the sky train even though there are signs that clearly state 'No animals allowed'. Not only did he bring his dog but while people were standing on the sky train his dog had a seat (actually he was sitting on two seats because he was a big dog). Did I miss something - since when did priority for seats on buses and trains change to dogs - I always thought the elderly had first dibs - My bad I guess!!

We were on our way to Scienceworld to see an exhibit on the music of Disney! My husband and I used to work for Disney - that is where we met - so we have this fascination for everything Disney. Plus I had never been to Scienceworld so it was awesome to see something new too. For all those parents out there - Scienceworld is a great place to spend the day with you kids during Summer Vacation. So much for children to see and do. They even have an Imax theatre - we went to the Dinosaur show at the Imax - it was actually really interesting.

Last night after we got back from Scienceworld we went to our Jiu Jitsu class. My husband and I attend West Coast Jiu Jitsu in Richmond. Our Sensei is awesome and oh so patient. I have been attending West Coast JJ since May and I love it. It is great exercise and for all you women out there it is great for self defence. We go two times a week - and sometimes three times a week.

On that note - I'm outta here as I have to get ready for Jiu Jitsu. Till next time.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Belated Canada Day

Happy Belated Canada Day to everybody. I had the day off from work so we decided to head down to Steveston for the Salmon Festival. My first time attending it and boy was there alot of people down there. We got there just in time for the start of the parade which was awesome. My favourite part was being pushed around by the people who believed that they had priority in standing directly in front of me so that I couldn't take any photo's. Gotta love that. I just don't understand why some people just don't have common sense and manners. You people know who you are!!

After the parade we headed over to our friends place for their annual Canada Day gathering. It was a baby haven. There were babies just about everywhere you turned and if not a baby a pregnant woman was in sight. It was actually quite funny. I did get my hands on the cutest little boy, Mason. He was only one month old and so sweet. He was sleeping the whole time I had him and I think I held him for about an hour - yes I am a baby hog. Once I get them I don't want to give them back.
Well gotta go. I am heading off to my Jiu Jitsu class - yes I do the Jiu Jitsu - or my husband likes to call it 'Jo Jitsu'.
Bye for now............