Sunday, July 20, 2008


What a beautiful day on the Lower Mainland. The sun was shining, there was a bit of a breeze - the perfect day for golf.

My DH and I had an early start at the driving range first and then headed off to Mylora in Richmond for a round of golf with some friends from our Jiu Jitsu class.

Now don't get any ideas - I am no professional. Again, this is something that I do to be active and it is a sport that my DH and I can do together. To be perfectly honest I suck at golf but I did have a few good hits every now and then.

I think the highlight of my day was watching a little squirral we made friends with try and find food to eat. He was really friendly and wanted to hang out with us. So cute!!

This afternoon I made a Congratulations card for some friends who just got married and we will be seeing them next weekend. Hope you like it.
I used a beautiful new Beach Wedding paper line from Creative Imaginations and also bazzill bling.
For the stamped greeting I heat embossed with gold.
Till next time....

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