Thursday, July 24, 2008

What ever happened to having manners???

One of the things I remember as a kid was being told to 'watch my manners'. Always use please and thank you. Be polite. Use common courtesy.
I sometimes think that people forgot about these simple things once they become adults. I know I try to remember my manners on a regular basis but I believe some people just don't think about it at all.

I am sure you are wondering what brought this topic on - I'll explain.

Today I was at work helping a customer and as I was cashing her out her cell phone rang. Instead of ignoring it or turning it off or even just excusing herself and answering the phone - she started a full blown conversation while I was ringing through her product. Not only that, she didn't stop talking once, I don't even know if she heard me say how much the items came to. She continued the conversation as she walked out the door - no 'thank you' - nothing. No acknowledgment that I had even helped her.

Now, I totally understand that if it was an important phone call that she would have to take it, but this was a casual call with a friend (I heard everything) and it could have waited.

I just don't get the urgency with phone calls. I know people who drop everything as soon as their cell phone rings.

What ever happened to the good old days - when there weren't any cell phones. Apparently back then there were no emergencies either.

Let's go back to simpler times................

Till next time....

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