Saturday, July 12, 2008


A moment to vent............... why is that guy's lose weight so much faster than girls. It's not fair. I have been working my butt off by exercising and making sure I don't eat junk food and my weight has stayed the same, yet my DH's weight is dropping like crazy. AAARGH!! It is so frustrating.
I am basically living on fruit, yogurt and pita bread during the day. I haven't eaten chocolate in at least three weeks (and for those who know me - I LOVE my chocolate). As for exercising - I am doing some kind of exercise at least 5 times a week. Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, going to the gym, even going for runs.
On the positive side of things:
1. I feel healthier
2. I have become more energetic and less lazy
3. My clothes are fitting a little better
4. I am no longer addicted to junk food!!
I will be patient and wait for more results..................
Thanks for letting me vent.

Till next time

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