Sunday, July 27, 2008


This morning we had a jiu jitsu training session at the dojo. My DH and I have been interested in learning how to grapple and take our training a little further. You may wonder why I would be interested in this. Well...................... I have now become a fan of the UFC and am intrigued at how they get out of submissions and how they take people down and, well just about everything. Like I have said before our Sensei is awesome, and even better then that she has shown us some cool grappling moves and today we learned some more. All Ihave to say is OUCH!!!

My arms have never been so bruised up before in my life. We were doing scissor sweeps and elevator sweeps - you probably don't know what that means but they were grappling techniques and they were so much fun to do. I was actually able to get my DH off of me a few times - which I thought was pretty good as he is much bigger than me.

Below are a few photo's of me. Enjoy.

Till Next time...........

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