Monday, July 21, 2008


I started writing this blog as a way for my family to keep in touch with what I am up to each day and also as a way to write how I am feeling.

I just wanted to say hello and thank you to all those people who have been reading my blog - from Australia to the Bahamas and even to South America - I never thought I would get this many people reading my blog - so thank you again.

This is truly awesome to me as I used to work on a Cruise Ship and still have friends from all over the world - this reminds of that time and I hope I can meet lots of wonderful new friends from all over the world again, through my blog.

Please feel free to leave comments - it would be great to get to know you all.

Till next time..........

1 comment:

Inkyfingers said...

Hey Jo!! I love reading your blog and will try to be good and leave comments that do not contain bad words or naughty bits.....ya' know what I mean.