Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Belated Canada Day

Happy Belated Canada Day to everybody. I had the day off from work so we decided to head down to Steveston for the Salmon Festival. My first time attending it and boy was there alot of people down there. We got there just in time for the start of the parade which was awesome. My favourite part was being pushed around by the people who believed that they had priority in standing directly in front of me so that I couldn't take any photo's. Gotta love that. I just don't understand why some people just don't have common sense and manners. You people know who you are!!

After the parade we headed over to our friends place for their annual Canada Day gathering. It was a baby haven. There were babies just about everywhere you turned and if not a baby a pregnant woman was in sight. It was actually quite funny. I did get my hands on the cutest little boy, Mason. He was only one month old and so sweet. He was sleeping the whole time I had him and I think I held him for about an hour - yes I am a baby hog. Once I get them I don't want to give them back.
Well gotta go. I am heading off to my Jiu Jitsu class - yes I do the Jiu Jitsu - or my husband likes to call it 'Jo Jitsu'.
Bye for now............

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