Friday, July 18, 2008

I HATE traffic!!!!

Now I know that 'hate' is not a very good word to use but seriously, enough already.

I already work a good 45 minutes away from home and can handle that but it is so annoying to just sit in traffic and not move anywhere for a good 30 minutes. That was my drive home today. For some reason it took about 40 just to get around a block - after that it was smooth sailing. It took me over 1 1/2 hours to get home tonight - UGH!!

While I'm complaining about the traffic I'll continue with some of the moron driver's out there too. I just love people who honk there horn when there clearly isn't anywhere anybody can go!! What is the point??? They think by honking their horn all the cars will magically disappear and Tinkerbell will come flying by to lead them to the front of the line of traffic!! (Sorry, I used to work for Disney AND I believe in fairies).

And, finally, I love those crazy people who think that if they drive really really close behind you that you will be there friend and get out of there way. I don't know about you but that only encourages me to drive slower and annoy them even more!!! As you can probably guess, I had one of those wankers behind me today too. But Karma did deal him a nice hand as at some point on the drive home he got stuck behind a bus and I passed him in no time!!

Now, you are probably all thinking, oh my gosh this girl gets so worked up about traffic. To be honest - I do. As I said earlier, I HATE traffic and I especially dislike stupid driver's who cause accidents.

And lastly, I will own up to the fact that one of my favourite radio stations to listen to is the traffic report on AM730-those from Vancouver will know what I am talking about.

Now for some more soothing stuff. To the right is a greeting card I made the other day. I find card making and creating very relaxing (helps after a day stuck in traffic).
All the supplies I have used I purchased at work at Clipper Street Scrapbook Company. We have brought in the cutest stamps with this little cat called Fluffles on them. The card says 'Happy Birthday .... or bust'.
The paper I used is from Around The Block and the cardstock is Bazzill. I used gel pens to colour the stamp and for the greeting Pebbles rub ons.
Till next time.

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