Monday, August 25, 2008

I passed!!!

I am now a yellow belt in Jiu Jitsu........... I am so over the moon about this accomplishment.

Back in May, when my DH and I started taking Jiu Jitsu I didn't know what to expect and if I would stick it out. I was only interested in trying to stay fit and healthy and the other positive was that this could be something that my DH and I could do together.

4 months later I am still loving it - infact it is the whole atmosphere in the Dojo that I love. We have an amazing instructor, Lori, we get to work with great people at each of our sessions and we have made some great friends there too. What more can I ask for. I love learning new things each time we go to class. It makes me feel empowered and capable of taking care of myself if I am ever put in a situation where I need to defend myself.

This past Sunday I had my belt test and I wasn't feeling too nervous but I always have doubts in my own capabilities and I felt like I wasn't doing as good as I should have been. I know I screwed up in one particular part of the test and I was kicking myself about it as it was so simple yet under pressure I always freak out. I knew I forgot to Kiai a few times (a Kiai is something you say on your initial distraction/hit to alarm your attacker and to attract help). Basically, I knew each time that I did something wrong or forgot to do something and it was frustrating me.

Anyways, to make a long story short I totally flipped out and thought I had failed and not done well enough so, in 'Jo' fashion, I cried. I just got really overwhelmed as I didn't want to look like a failure to myself and to my Sensei.

The Happy Ending is that I did pass and will now be a yellow belt in Jiu Jitsu - which is awesome as I didn't start doing Jiu Jitsu with the intention to go through the different belts. I am looking forward to learning totally different things now though.

Thank You Lori for being an awesome Sensei and putting up with me being a cry-baby.

Till next time............

1 comment:

Lori O'Connell said...

Only just read this post today. Congrats again! You truly earned it. I am very proud to have been able to call you my student. I'm very sad to lose both you and Tim.